Андрей Жабин, Автор в Mogu - таск-трекер для креативных команд
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Андрей Жабин

Marketing manager of Mogu

Blog creator and author of more than 20 articles

Author's articles51

How to promote your product at conferences

How to promote your product at conferences

Everyone has been to conferences at least once, sat in large halls and listened to the speeches of top managers, directors and...

Checklists for the Event Manager

Checklists for the Event Manager

What is an event – in a narrow sense this word means an event or activity, but its main purpose is marketing....

Pumping up the task card

Pumping up the task card

If your workspace doesn’t have chaotic processes, burning deadlines, no communication issues and fine-tuned priorities, you can close this article. Here we...

How our development team moved from Jira to MOGU

How our development team moved from Jira to MOGU

Choice of solution Our fascinating story began when Jira left Russia. This contributed to a quick decision to look for a new...

The 5 best task managers in 2024

The 5 best task managers in 2024

In a world where the rhythm of modern life is so fast that every minute counts, effective task management becomes a key...

How do use brainstorming to solve a creative problem?

How do use brainstorming to solve a creative problem?

Brainstorming is a method of collective creativity aimed at generating ideas and solutions in an informal setting. It is conducted to maximise...

How to organize the work of a remote team

How to organize the work of a remote team

Just 5 years ago, few people could have imagined that 16% of companies worldwide would work remotely. And the majority of employees...

Getting rid of routine and mistakes: how the task tracker helps in the work of advertising agencies

Getting rid of routine and mistakes: how the task tracker helps in the work of advertising agencies

Do you know the situation, you are working all the time, spending your energy, but still deadlines are overdue? You have to...

Using AI in marketing and project management

Using AI in marketing and project management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is evolving, impacting marketing and project management. MOGU, in turn, is actively working on implementing AI into the product....

How to organize and conduct a webinar: recommendations from Mogu

How to organize and conduct a webinar: recommendations from Mogu

If you are just starting your journey in organizing webinars or you are already trying this tool, but the results do not...

Content marketing: how to use a task tracker to create content

Content marketing: how to use a task tracker to create content

Content is an integral part of any product (and sometimes even the product itself, such as Tumblr or LiveJournal). Such key indicators...

What is Kanban

What is Kanban

Kanban is a task and workflow management system that is used in various fields, especially often in digital teams. The main goal...