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How to increase sales through e-merchandising

How to increase sales through e-merchandising

E-merchandisers place goods on the online showcase in the same way as a merchandiser on the shelves – so that it is...

How to manage marketing for a startup

How to manage marketing for a startup

Little time, little budgets, few products. A startup differs from a large established company in that any mistake can be critical, and...

Key differences between Agile, Scrum and Kanban (and how to use it in marketing)

Key differences between Agile, Scrum and Kanban (and how to use it in marketing)

You may have heard words like Agile, Scrum and Kanban – something on efficient and productive. If we implement them, productivity will...

How to promote your product at conferences

How to promote your product at conferences

Everyone has been to conferences at least once, sat in large halls and listened to the speeches of top managers, directors and...

How for a marketer to task an analyst

How for a marketer to task an analyst

Marketing without analytics does more harm than good. In this article, we will look at what an analyst does, how to draw...

Checklists for the Event Manager

Checklists for the Event Manager

What is an event – in a narrow sense this word means an event or activity, but its main purpose is marketing....

Time management tips

Time management tips

Time management is a system of principles, methods and tools that help you optimise your time for greater productivity. While it sounds...

SMM and task trackers

SMM and task trackers

More and more companies and entrepreneurs are turning to SMM specialists to increase brand visibility and attract new customers through social media....

How can an advertising agency organize the effective work of a distributed team

How can an advertising agency organize the effective work of a distributed team

According to Global Workplace Analytics, the number of remote employees has increased by 159% since 2005. Now some employers are trying to...

Workspace for marketplaces

Workspace for marketplaces

Let’s say you have decided to enter the marketplace. It seems that all you need is a product and the desire to...

Metrics in marketing: how to make advertising measurable

Metrics in marketing: how to make advertising measurable

Metrics are numerical indicators that are used in marketing to evaluate the performance of a company’s actions. To understand what metrics in...