Мария Айвазян, Автор в Mogu - таск-трекер для креативных команд - Page 2 of 2
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Мария Айвазян

Copywriter Mogu

I have three dogs — a greyhound, a dachshund and an unknown tiny half-breed. I love DIY, houseplants and good texts.

Author's articles46

What is procrastination and how to fight it: simple tips to increase productivity

What is procrastination and how to fight it: simple tips to increase productivity

Procrastination is a condition familiar to many people where we put off doing things until later. This unproductive behaviour can lead to...

Content Marketing. How a copywriter can organise themselves, customers and experts using a task tracker

Content Marketing. How a copywriter can organise themselves, customers and experts using a task tracker

Content marketing is one of the main ways to increase your target audience. Quality posts, infographics and engaging articles that are interesting...